Consider these alarming facts:

  • 15% of pupils who passed Grade 1 did not show up for Grade 2 during the school opening

  • 10% of those who finished Grade 2 did not return for Grade 3

  • One (1) out of every four (4) dropouts in public schools will never learn to read, write or count 

  • Diagnostic tests administered on Grade 4 pupils showed that less than 45% had mastery of Grade 3-level competencies in all subjects, therefore not all graduates are functionally literate 

  • In some schools, three (3) shifts are required because the ratio of teachers to students are 1:75 or more students 

  • The book to student ratio is 1:4 

  • The Philippine public school system is overburdened and under-resourced. Classrooms, desks and chairs, teachers and materials to serve the needs of about 17.5 million students are lacking. There is just not enough time, space, supervision or even books for children to learn, practice or  enjoy reading while in school.  
  • After class, most elementary school children are required to help their families earn a living. Therefore, reading is neither a priority nor a possibility outside of school hours. As a result, the Philippine public school system has become a diploma mill of graduates with extremely simple literacy that is not functional enough to communicate, calculate and much less, earn a living. This situation only guarantees that the Filipino public school children and teachers will remain underserved and uneducated, without a fighting chance to get out of the poverty cycle.



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